Tuesday, 20 December 2011


In conclusion, HRIS is important to determine the success of the organization. Therefore, me must know how the functions of HRIS through HRIS model. HRIS model can helps the employee to use and understand the function HRIS system is functioning. In addition, HRIS system will help the employees become more competent because they can develop their computer skill and can bring a lot of benefits to the organization. Organization can become more competitive if compare use the paper system.
From the three topics provided me a lot of idea and guideline during the process in writing the report and learn in class. Performance management is the topic given by lecturer and I get many idea and new knowledge about that. Beside this topic, the others topic assist our group in designing the screen and also component should included in the home page. So, I think this model or system is advance model. Beside, after doing this HRIS reflection report, I did realize on the important and the advantages and disadvantages of using the web based technology in an organization and give impression to employee. With the web based technology, a lot of daily task can be computerized and become more systematic

web-Based Technology and Employee Learning and Development (ELD)

Why organizations have to more focus on ELD? It is because ELD is very simple because an organization successful is depends on employees. The employees play an important role in an organization.
When the organization use the ELD system, the management can plan the training to the employees and the employee can observe the training, career development and the performance of the employees in the organization. In addition, it also can analyze the career development needed among the employee. Besides that, after the performance of the employees had been observed, a suitable training program can be recommended to employees through ELD system.
I think, every organization has to use this system because there are a lot of foreign organizations that play the role of competitive force to our local organization. Therefore, our local organization must always develop employee more effective by using ELD system.
When I learn this topic, it makes me remember that the system that used by the among organization. HR department will record their staff training record, their pre-test and post-test result. It is very important to record the training record so that it can make a reference to the upper management to make some decision. 
I think that in the future, the ELD system will become more popular and easy compare to traditional paper-based ELD system because of their mare advantages between disadvantages.

Serrat, O. (2009). Building a Learning Organization. Knowledge Solutions, p.46- 53

TRANSNATIONAL HRIS PART 2: HR System Architecture and Service Delivery and Model
In the global HRIS have been use to denote many different types of organizations, systems and environment. Nowadays have been come one of the hottest buzzword in recent years. Transnational HRIS has four type of model and organization can choice for use in organization. There are multinational, global, international and transnational model that can company use to make their company performance more effectively.
In the four models of the technologies architecture has different between one of the model. There are three type of technological architecture of the system is:
·         Standalone systems
·         Data warehouse model
·         Single integrated system model

Standalone systems
Standalone systems is one basic models because the system in which is operating unit run by itself or can be said that independent system. It run and stands alone. There are no worldwide standard place and no link with each other. Business unit may be send via email, fax, telephone or just delivery by a person. This style may be become miscommunication with each other and cannot install a lot of data (data may be heavy).   

This system makes it difficult to analyze the data because it work alone and haven’t had the head quarter to report the problem. If the company has difficulties or problem the information is not easily to be sent to the HQ because the data are not in their system. These types of system architecture clearly identified a company as a multinational HRIS model.

The diagrams show that there are not link with each other. This will show the standalone system. Imaging that access point as a global data warehouse and wireless as a standalone system unit, so from this we can see that the wireless is not link with other and working alone. This may become many difficulties to accurate data and solving the problem. It is also can be said that this system is very slow system.

Data warehouse model
This definition of the data warehouse focuses on data storage. The main source of the data is cleaned, transformed, catalogued and made available for use by managers and other business professionals for data mining,online analytically processing, market research and decision support. However, the means to retrieve and analyze data, to extract, transform and load data, and to manage the data dictionary are also considered essential components of a data warehousing system. Many references to data warehousing use this broader context.

Single integrated system model
This definition of an Integrated System identifies characteristics arranged in the broad categories of  Data Issues, Application Issues, Presentation Issues, and Operational Issues.  A brief name of the characteristic is given, followed by a paragraph defining the characteristic. While the degree of integration is likely to vary from product to product, an ideal integrated system would have all of the characteristics.

  • Pfeffer, J. (1996). Competitive advantages through people: Unleashing the power of the workforce. Boston: Harvard Business School press.
E-recruitment and e-selection process.

Every organization has the method and technique for recruit and selection their employee. The e recruitment is the new method for get the employee for organization. The e-recruitment also known as e-recruitment is the use of technology to attract candidates and aid the recruitment process. When the organization using a job centric design with multiple position linkage, the Aspiration E-Recruitment module provides features such as job advert generation, online applications, applicant matching, interview question database and letter of appointment generation. The recruitment monitor shows at a glance the status of organizational recruitment and provides reports that compare candidate suitability to the job profile.

The advantage e-recruitment and e-selection.
When I study in class, I get the e-recruitment and e-selection has many advantages. The advantage is can immediately improves the caliber of people that are recruited. The organization can easy to choice who the good employee. After that, the e-recruitment and e-selection can compare the best of employee use the profile of employee, so the organization can get the standards employee in organization. When the organization use e-recruitment can check and open anytime (offer access to vacancies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). It is because this system can use when the employee visit the website organization.

The disadvantage e-recruitment and e-selection.
The system e-recruitment and e-selection has disadvantage. For example the when the internet has problem, the employee cannot do their work in choice the new employee. It is because all system can do dependent the internet in organization. After that, the employee can deception during apply the job. For example, their lie the skills, level education and so on.

Skrivastava, D. K. (2005). Strategies for Performance Management. Excel Books: New

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a computer-based system that functions to manage, analyze, and manage human resources in order to obtain precise information for decision making.
It was also observed that two groups of organizations lead the HRIS implementation trend: the parent companies, with regard to their subsidiaries, and the largest firms in terms of number of employees. This seems a logical finding because their more complex structures may benefit more of the advantages of HRIS to increase the efficiency of their recruiting processes.
Besides, HRIS are found to be preferred in combination with other HRM practices, instead of on their own. This reveals that human judgment is still the main criterion for making decisions in this area, albeit assessed or supported by the information provided by the HRIS.
As for the main hypotheses tested in this research, internal recruitment is the favorite method for filling in vacant positions within the firms, which confirms the theoretical assumptions that asserted that, even though both internal and recruitment strategies are to be considered, the former is less costly and provides more advantages to the firms. Indeed, the evidence supports that a better performance is expected from the people internally recruited, which in turn will improve the overall business performance.

The Web and Key Trends Changing Human Resource

What is Human Resource Information System (HRIS)? This is not the first time I’ve heard about HRIS. When I having my industrial training in Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Temerloh, I’ve been exposed to HRIS application in my daily works there. But not in detail. But after I learn it in my class, I can really understand about HRIS itself.
According to wikipedia.com HRIS is one of the systems that combined all the human resource with information technology. These include the storage of employee information, organizational information and also the plan of activities that will conduct by the organizations. During the industrial training period, I was assigned by my supervisor to use this HRIS with the purpose of updating financial changes for hospital staff.
Recently, there are many changes in HRIS. This changes is occurs because of innovations in technology management. In the history of the World War II, most information is stored in manually but after the technology has been upgraded, the military has begun using the computers to store information. In the social era (1963-1980), the number of organizations is increase and need more human resource function and energy move efficiently. All information has been included in the employee computer system for analysis.
In 1980 until 1990, this HRIS price has been decrease due to its use as a requirement and needed system throughout the world in the organization. This information system changes occurred in 1990. But nowadays, we can see that each organization has been use information systems or HRIS to store data and manage the human activities.
HRIS be one of the needs for each organization in order to facilitate management of the organization and it also save time.  Management function will be easier to manage all the activities that occur within organization. Information of the employee can be easily analyzed to find out the efficiency of workers and identify the requirements needed by the employee itself.
1.      Jogiyanto. Sistem Teknologi Informasi. Andi, Yogyakarta :249 – 257.
2.      Cornelius, Nelarine. 2005: 253-5. Information Technology in support of HRM.
3.      Raymond Mc Leod,Jr. Sistem Informasi Manajemen. PT Prenhallindo, Jakarta: 523 – 543.
4.      http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistem_manajemen_sumber_daya_manusia
5.      http://www.scribd.com/doc/7260344/kuliah-11.


HRIS system has been used extensively in the global system for the whole world. This HRIS system may become the necessary system throughout the organization in order to facilitate information storage and monitoring staff can be implemented more efficiently.
Multinational system is more compatible with these requirements around the world. For example, one organization from outside has opened the local branches in our country. Therefore, the company needs to suit with the environment, needs and culture of the people in this country. Meaning that the information storage system needs to move from headquarters to regional adaptation.
In addition, international management can share the information, knowledge and expertise to manage the HRIS. The transnational HRIS more useful in organizations. This is because the capital can be reduce and its complexity to organizations. Besides, the capital also can be more efficient and provide the best competition among the organizations.
The organizations whether in local and international can opened many branches as long as they use this HRIS system in order to standardize with the headquarters. For example, HSBC has been in accordance with a system that was practiced at its headquarters before.
Parker, C. S. (1993). Management information system: Strategy and actions New York: Mitchell
Somogyi, E. K., & Galliers, R. D. (1987). Applied information technology: From data processing to strategic information systems. Journal of Information Technology, 2(1) March